Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

mount semeru

Mount Sumeru or Semeru is the highest volcano in Java, with its peak Mahameru, 3676 meters from the sea aras. Craters on the summit of Mount Semeru, known by the name Jonggring Saloko.

Semeru has Dipterokarp forest hill, forest Dipterokarp Top, Montane forest, and forest Ericaceous mountains or forests.

The position of this mountain region is located between pentadbiran Lumajang and Malang Regency, with the geographic location between 8 ° 06 'LS and 120 ° 55' BT.

In 1913 and 1946 craters Jonggring Saloka has a dome with a height of 3744.8 M until the end of November 1973. In the south, is the dome edge crater caused lava flows to the south area Pasirian, and Candiputro Lumajang.
Ketinggian 3,676 meter (12,060 kaki)
Lokasi Pulau Jawa, Indonesia
Kejelasan 3,676 m
Koordinat 8° 6′28.8″S, 112° 55′12″E
Jenis Gunung berapa Strato (aktif)
Letupan terakhir 2008 (masih berlanjutan)
Pendakian pertama Tidak diketahui
Laluan paling mudah Berjalan kaki
Senarai Ultra


Climbing to the top of the mountain Semeru eat for four days and went back. To climb the mountain climber must regard the city of Malang or Lumajang. From the terminal Malang climber can ascend to the general public kenderaan Overlapping and through the village again with kenderaan jeep dolly or vegetables that are in the back of the terminal market Overlapping with kos Rp.13.000 a, - Post to Ranu Pani.

Before we go to Gubugklakah need to ask a letter of truth, with the details, kos Rp.6.000 letter of truth, - to maximum 10 people, kos Rp.2.000 park entry per person and a insurance Rp.2.000.

Then using the vehicle the journey commenced from the Overlapping Ranu Pani, the last village at the foot Mount Semeru. Here there is a check-post, there are also stalls and cottages lodging. Climber can also spend the night in custody Post. Ranu Pani in the Post, there are two lakes namely Tasik Ranu Pani (1 ha) and Ranu Regulo lake (0.75 ha). Located at an altitude of 2200 than aras sea.

Gapura/gate until after the "welcome", continue to see to the left towards the hills, do not follow the wide road to the gardens of the population. In addition to the usual route passed the climber, there are also shortcut the normal route used by the local climber, but the path is very steep.

Initial sloping path, the slope of the hill was filled with plants, reed. There is no sign of a road-way, but there are signs on the pole every 100 meters. There are many fallen trees and branches in the head.

After 5 km walk around the hill slopes that many Edelweis vegetate , and will arrive in the Watu Rejeng. Here there is a very steep stone beautiful. Very beautiful secenery to the valley and hills, the pine forest ditumbuhi principal and Pine. Sometimes you can see the pillar of smoke from the peak of Semeru. To go to Ranu Kumbolo still need to pursue at around 4.5 km.

Ranu in Kumbolo can establish camp There is a lake with water that is clean and has beautiful scenery, especially in the morning can see the sunrise in cleft-mountain cleft. There are lots of fish, sometimes wild grouse. Ranu Kumbolo be at the altitude of 2400 m with an area of 14 hectares.

Ranu's Kumbolo should provide as much water as possible. Ranu Kumbolo leave then climb steep hills, with a very beautiful scenery in the background over the lake. In front of the hill lie the broad meadow that is called the Oro-oro ombo. Oro-oro ombo surrounded by hills and mountains with a very beautiful, with a broad meadow that slopes ditumbuhi such as pine trees in Europe. From reverse Kepolo visible peak of Mount Semeru Mount scatter of smoke wedus gembel.

Then enter the pine forest sometimes found where birds and deer. This area is called Cemoro Kandang.

Kalimati post is on a height of 2700 m, can be established here camp for rest Post this form in the broad meadow pine forest edge, so that many branches are available to make bonfire.

There is a wellspring of Mani, to the west (right) the fringe of forest cover ground Kalimati with 1 hour to go home. Kalimati in and there are many in Arcopodo Tikus Mt.

To go to Arcopodo turn left (East) walk about 500 meters, then turn right (south) down the little meadow Kalimati. Arcopodo is 1 hour from Kalimati through pine forest which is very steep, with a simple soil erosion and dusty. We can also camp in Arcopodo, but the soil is less stable and often collapse. We recommend using the glasses and cover your nose as many fly ash. Arcopodo be at the altitude of 2900 m, Arcopodo is the last region in the vegetation of Mount Semeru, the rest will be through a sand dune.

From the peak of Semeru Arcopodo take 3-4 hours, through the sand hills are very steep and peroi. All items should be brought or left on the Arcopodo in Kalimati. Climbing towards the peak is done early morning at around 02.00 am from Arcopodo.

tend afternoon winds to the north to the summit to bring gas from the crater Jonggring Saloka.

Climbing should be done in the dry season months Jun, Julai, Ogos, and September. Should not climb in the wet season because often noisy and soil collapse.

At the peak of Mount Semeru (Peak Mahameru) climber is not recommended for the crater Jonggring Saloko, also prohibited from climbing the south side, because of the toxic gas and lava flows.in the summit of Mahameru temperature range 4 - 10 derajad Celsius, at the peak of the season minus 0 degree Celsius, and found the crystal-crystal ice. The weather is often foggy, especially in the afternoon, evening and night. Wind blow faster, in December - January is often a storm.

Wedus Gembel eruption occurred every 15-30 minutte Semeru on top of the mountain that is still active. In November 1997 Gn.Semeru burst of 2990 times. Afternoon the wind toward the peak, to avoid it came in the afternoon peak, because the gas and blast their way to the top.

The form of white smoke burst, gray to black with a 300-800 meter high blast. Material that burst out on every form of ash, sand, gravel, stones and even heat on the very dangerous if the climber is too close. In the early summer of 1994 lava flow through the south slope Gn.Semeru and ask some of the victims of the soul, the hot river that zigzag down to the sea has become a very interesting spectacle.

The general climate in the area of the mountain Semeru including climate type B (Schmidt and Ferguson) with rainfall 927 mm - 5498 mm per year with the number of rainy days 136 days / year and the rainy season falls in November - April.in the summit of Semeru air temperature ranges between 0 - 4 degrees centigrade.

Average temperature ranges between 3 ° c - 8 ° c at night and early morning, while in the afternoon is between 15 ° c - 21 ° c. Sometimes in some areas there is little rain snow occurred during the rainy season, changes to dry season or vice versa. The cold temperatures along the travel route, this is not solely caused by the air but still supported by up the wind blow to this region, causing the cold air.

National parks

Mount this entry in the national park area of Bromo Tengger Semeru. National Park consists of mountain and valley area of 50,273.3 Ha. There are several mountains in the calldera Gn.Tengger, among others; Gn.Bromo (2.392m) Gn. Coconut shell (2.470m) Gn.Kursi (2581m) Gn.Watangan (2.662m) Gn.Widodaren (2.650m). There are four lakes (ranu): Ranu Pani, Ranu Regulo, Ranu Kumbolo, Ranu Darungan.

Flora that are in the area of Mount Semeru diverse types, but many in dominance by pine, acacia, pine, and the type of Jamuju. While for the plants under in dominance by Kirinyuh, reed, tembelekan, harendong and Edelwiss white, Edelwiss there is lots of caster in thetop of Semeru. And also found several types of orchids endemic who live around south of Semeru

Many fauna that inhabit the mountain Semeru include: Macan Kumbang/panther, Budeng, mongoose, Kijang, Kancil, etc.. Meanwhile, in Ranu Kumbolo grouse that there are still wild life.

The first climber

citizenship the first person to climb this mountain is Clignet (1838) a geologist from the citizenship of Netherlands, citizenship southwest through Widodaren, next Junhuhn (1945) a Dutch botanist citizenship from the north through the mountains Ayet-ayek, mountain-Inder Inder Kepolo and mountains. Year 1911 Van Gogh and the north slopes through Heim and after 1945 generally is done via gradient ascent north through Ranupane and Ranu Kumbolo like this now.

Legend mountain Semeru

According to the faith community that is written in Java kuna Tantu The book that came from century-15, Java on a float in the ocean when the area, there dipermainkan-wave here. The gods decided to tack back to the way the Mount are in India to the top of the island of Java.

The god Vishnu blossom into a giant tortoise tote mountain dipunggungnya, while the gods Brahma blossom into a long snake's body on the mountain wind and the body of turtle mountain so that it can be transported safely.

Deity-god is placed in the top of the mountain is the first part of the island that they found, namely in the western part of Java Island. But the weight of the mountain lead to the eastern tip of the island up to the top. Then they move to the eastern part of the island but still awry, so they decided to cut some of the mountain and placing it in the northwest.

This fragment formed Pawitra Mountain, now known as Mount Pananggungan, and the major part of the Mount are, where the gods reside Shiwa, now known by the name of Mount Semeru. At the time of Sang Hyang Siwa to come to the island jawa millet seen many trees, so that the island is called Java.

Geographical environment Java and Bali with the appropriate symbol-the symbol of Hindu religion. In Hindu belief there are on the Mount, the Mount are considered to be the home of the gods and as a means of the earth (man) and Kayangan. If people want to hear the voice of the god they must semedi are at the peak of Mt. Many people up to Java and Bali are now considered as the mountain-dwelling god or gods being smooth. Next mountainous areas are still used by the Javanese as a place of human semedi to hear the magical sound.

According to the Bali Gunung Mahameru held as Mr. Gunung Agung in Bali and Bali respected by the community. The ritual offerings to the gods of Mount Mahameru conducted by the Bali. After the ceremony is only done once every 8-12 years old at the time people just accept the sound of unseen deity Mahameru Mt. In addition to the ritual offerings that often come to Bali Cave area Widodaren for Tirta holy.

People rise to the top Mahameru aims to hear magical sounds. In addition there is also requested that given the age of long-term. However the reason people ride to the top of Mahameru, most people ditakutkan by various ghost inhabit the area around gunungnya. Ghost-ghost is usually the ancestral spirits inhabit places such as forests, hills, trees and lakes.

Spirit ancestors usually aimed at keeping various places, and must be respected. The climber who stayed in the lake Ranu Kumbolo often see Ranu Kumbolo ghost. Middle of the night have a light orange color in the middle danaunya and suddenly changed into existence sesosok ghost woman. Usually only people who have a mystical power he will see a ghost and can talk with the ghost. The people believe in ghost or not but many people believe that Java is the Bromo, Tengger, Semeru many inhabited by ghost-ghost.


12 Jun 2006, Meteorological andgeophysics Agency (BMG) Maritime Tanjung Perak, Surabaya, to record the earthquake with the strength of the mountain, 1.8 Richter Scale (SR) due to the activity of Mount Semeru (3,676 mdpl). Mount Semeru at the present time are still in the status of guard.

source: wikipedia

Senin, 16 Maret 2009

Save Our Forest

Rate severest of Indonesia Forest Damage In World

Greenpeace started a campaign-saving south east asia heavenly forest in the province of Papua, as well as launching a program ekoforestri choice is based forest management of the peoples. campaigne marked the coming of ships belonging to Greenpeace, Rainbow Warrior, in the port of Jayapura.

Before entering the waters of Indonesia, Rainbow warrior mark-saving initiatives heavenly forest (Forest paradise) by establishing the Global Forest Rescue Station (GFRS) in the area of Lake Murray, Western province, Papua New guinea. There, the Greenpeace volunteers from various countries to help local residents create a boundary of land that is not a push by timber companies.

According to the interpreter campaign Greenpeace Southeast Asia forest, Hapsoro, Rainbow Warrior coming the first time in Papua is part of the global saving campaign last natural forest land, which is known as the heavenly forest.
"in the area of Southeast Asia, Indonesia has the largest forest area. Indonesia is part of the forest in Papua. Therefore, in this forest penyelamtan from Papua," said Hapsoro.

Executive Director of Greenpeace south east asia, Emmy Hafild added that heavenly forest forest in the Asia Pacific were damaged in the appeal than any place on earth. While forests are very rich in biological diversity which is unimaginable. Has not been recently scientists from Conservation Internatinal (CI) to find "heavenly garden" - a region that never touchable by human hands and full of new species - in the Foja mountains, Papua. These findings emphasize the importance of saving natural forests in Papua, before any damage that the more severe types of flora and fauna that have not in the find.

Severest In the world

Defortration of rate in Indonesia is one of the severest in the world, with at least 1.9 million hectares of forest each year in damaged during the last five years, or equivalent with a six-field soccer per minute. at this time Indonesia has lost more than 72% of forest area intact, and 40% of forests have been destroyed utterly. most of the logging in Indonesia illegally, and according to Minister of Forestry MS Kaban, causing losses of as much as 4 billion U.S. dollars every year.
"Forest-Forest Asia Pacific heavenly severe damage due to the demand of wood from Europe, the United States, Japan and China," said Emmy. Associated with the Green Peace urge the government of the countries-producers such as Indonesia - and the consumer countries in order to put strict rules in order against the illegal and destructive logging.

"It should be in the form of a protected area network in the entire world followed law enforcement and effective management," said Hapsoro. "Only through regional and international cooperation, we can defend the original natural forest for the last generations to come," he added.

Mountain Climbing

Mountaineer ...... Wooo! an activity that often sounded extreme at the ear of those who have never tried to do the activities we tesebut.sering time thinking about the danger that we will likely face even though it is not we face danger from the start .... or until lightly with the danger of death, or often think if we ascend the mountain that is the only activity carried out by people who trained or special education must follow the first to new activity can do ..... when these activities can be done by anyone even if it has no knowledge about the activity but with the requirement should be led by people who have the knowledge and experience with enough activity and if you want to know more then we are again in charge to have the knowledge about the activity that is with the courses or education about climbing mountains and living in the outdoors that is held by groups or organizations that are engaged in the specific field.

Mountaineer ..... more danger than benefit .... that often arise in our mind and often in approved by those who have not been doing these activities ..... friends ..... try to think our problems are often a danger that we face everyday in our lives, we try to remember how the speed of vehicles that we take when we go places to activity ... how many times we go through link train, how often we break through the traffic lights clear -clearly dangerous ourselves and others, how many times we go through the towers high power voltage, or can we know if we meaning the circumstances that endanger the safety of our day ..... this fella, no matter the danger we will never know when and where we are to face ... there is always a danger everywhere, but how we live and at risk avoid itself ..... so what with us this event, how can we avoid or minimize the danger of these .... How ....? follow the main rules that apply because that is the key ..... all activity surely there any rules and procedures that must be obeyed to avoid things that do not want an example in safety belt use when kitat drive or use the four-wheeler and helmet use standard mengedarai when a motorcycle ... if not we will surely face the risk in a vehicle or at least the risks we face in tilang karna violate our laws and procedures that apply ...... so also climb mountains have safety procedures that must be obeyed and observed , I may even be at risk are due to fatal .....

So what's we climbing mountains ......??? certainly a lot of use ... of the sports and health, mountain climbing requires extra strength is because it strength physical fitness and body are set in this event ... so we would not need to maintain health and stamina to stay in shape and affect our everyday life in the day we figured haruskan on healthy living and regular .....
views of the establishment of mental dam characters climb the mountain and need a mental character as a strong and mentally very strong character needed to face possibility danger threatening the safety of self and soul ..... in the establishment of solidarity and fellow sesamapun here emphasize because of the very this activity is mostly done together rather than individual .... viewed from the side wisatapun mountain climbing adventure tourism experiences that are very stunning natural scenery with the incredible yag will never be in dikota tour or the other.
Many things that we can can climb the mountain's activities if this is in very described items require more time to menjabarkannya ......

a lot of people have experienced and feel the experience of climbing the mountain tremendous ..... many stories of mountain climbing experience that has been written as history or as an adventure story ... stories of conquest a mountain adventure, story of heroism in operations rescue stories to confuse the feelings and birukan Romance romance. do not think things are negative but the first berfikirlah that this positive activity, even though we really should not be mengkesampingkan things ... but negative for us to follow the rules and procedures that apply sefety climb the mountain is not a frightening thing ... . and always remember, life and death matters of the LORD is how we live our lives to keep the only one with this good and true, because life is not just born, grow and die, but there are things that should be useful to do to fill our lives that own life that is more colorful and meaningful life ......" End karna not we climb the mountain but the mountain climb, we can recognize and learn to be life itself ....."

good try .....!!!!!!

Gunung Gede Glace

Gunung Gede is a mountain that is located on the island of Java, Indonesia. Gunung Gede in scope Pangarango Gede National Park, which is one of five national parks that was first announced in Indonesia in 1980. Located among three districts: Kabupaten Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi, with a height of 1000 - 3000 m. dpl, and is located on latitude, 106 ° 51 '- 107 ° 02' BT and 64 ° 1 '- 65 ° 1 LS. Temperatures average in the peak of Mount Gede 18 ° c and at the peak day temperature range of 5 ° c, with a rainfall average of 3600 mm / year. Major gateway to the mountain is from Cibodas and Cipanas.

Gunung Gede has Dipterokarp Hill forest area, forest Dipterokarp ToTambah Gambarp, Montane forest, forest and mountain forest or Ericaceous.

Gunung Gede have the natural characteristic and unique, this is the Gunung Gede as a natural laboratory that interest researchers since long time.

Recorded in the year 1819, C.G.C. Reinwardt as the first climb of Mount Gede, followed by FW Junghuhn (1839-1861), J.E. Teysmann (1839), A.R. Wallace (1861), S.H. Koorders (1890), M. Treub (1891), W.M. Leeuen van (1911); and C.G.G.J. van Steenis (1920-1952) have created a collection of plants as a basis for preparation of the book The Mountain Flora of Java that was published 1972.

Gunung Gede is also a diversity of ecosystems that consist of sub-ecosystems montana, montana, the sub-alpin, lakes, swamps, and savanna.

Gunung Gede famous rich variety of bird species that is as much as 251 out of 450 species found in Java. Some types of birds including the rare Javanese eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi) and owl (Otus angelinae).
ark of Mount Gede-Pangrango defined by UNESCO as Cagar Biosfir in the year 1977, and as Sister Park with St
National Pate Parks in Malaysia in 1995.

Gudung Gede National Park and the area Pangrango Gede is also an object of nature tourism and attract many tourists visited by both domestic and international.

Some locations / objects of interest to visit

* Telaga Biru. Small size of the lake five hectares (1575 meter dpl.) Located 1.5 km from the entrance Cibodas. This lake always looks blue diterpa sun, because it was covered by blue water.
* Cibeureum waterfall. Waterfall which has a height of 50 meters is approximately 2.8 km from Cibodas. Around the waterfall can be seen that a similar red moss endemic in West Java.
* Flights. Located about 5.3 km or 2 hours drive from Cibodas.
* Kandang Kandang and Batu Badak. Camping activities for observation and plants / animals. Located at an altitude of 2220 m. dpl with distance 7.8 km or 3.5 hours drive from Cibodas.
* The top and the crater of Mount Gede. A panorama of the sunset / rise, paving the city-Sukabumi-Cianjur Bogor clearly visible, geology attraction and an interesting observation about the plants typical crater. At the top there are three craters are still active in a complex that is Lanang crater, and the Queen Wadon. Located at an altitude of 2958 m. dpl with distance 9.7 km or 5 hours drive from Cibodas.
* Alun-alun Suryakencana. Plain area of 50 hectares that is covered with carpet flower edelweiss. Located at an altitude of 2750 m. dpl with distance 11.8 km or 6 hours drive from Cibodas.

History and the legend that is the belief of the local community about the existence of grandparent Suryakencana and Prabu Siliwangi in Gunung Gede. Society believes that the spirit of grandparent Prabu Siliwangi Suryakencana and will keep the Mount Gede that does not erupt. At the time, the many people who go to the cave-cave around Gunung Gede for semedhi / or be imprisoned perform religious ceremonies.

To reach the location Gede National Park Pangrango can go through the route Jakarta-Bogor-Cibodas with approximately 2.5 hours (± 100 km) by car, or Bandung-Cipanas-Cibodas with within 2 hours (± 89 km), and Bogor - Salabintana with within 2 hours (52 km).

source: wikipedia

Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Kepada arwah para pendaki gunung,...Soe Hok Gie,Idan lubis dari MAPALA UI , Wahyu Subianto,Prihastono dari Young pioner Malang.Empat pendaki gunung yang di panggilNYA dalam perjalanan kembali dari puncak MAHAMERU.

Ketika musim ber4cerita tentang cuaca yang pucat dan jatuh dari saf-saf langit membawa peristiwa
maka kristal embun yang bertengger di bibir tebing cair dan merayap di antara bunyi batu hitam yang terbanting
Dan lantas suarapun lebur ruas-ruas awan yang disiram oleh darah luka pendakian ketika IA memanggil perlahan
Dan adakah senyummu masih masih menempel dalam arti setiap upacara jambore,seperti ketika malam engkau sering datang dan menyanyikan lagu selendang sutera yang dititipkan loeh kekasih mu
sementara itu Jongring Seloka meledakan suara gaibnya ....aku berdiri dan menatap rumput-rumput dimana kau dulu pernah bebaring dan berfikir tentang hidup....
Aku berdiri pada puncak Mahameru yang dingin berdoa dan menulis puisi untukmu di sana